"Aku Suka"

temen gw pernah bilang, di saat perasaan lagi kacau, mending jauh-jauh dari social media biar ga mengekspos diri sendiri. iya, harusnya itu yang gw kerjain sekarang. seharusnya sekarang gw ngerjain animasi yang deadline-nya kamis ini, harusnya gw baca jurnal-jurnal untuk diskusi besok sama temen gw. iya, harusnya kerjaan gw banyak. gw tahu.

tapi perasaan gw kacau. kayaknya udah lama sejak terakhir kali perasaan gw sekacau ini gara-gara laki-laki. perasaan yang gw tau ga akan pernah kesampaian, tapi gw juga tau bahwa perasaan ini ga akan bisa dihentikan semudah itu juga. tiga taun, tiga taun baik secara sadar maupun ga sadar, perasaan ini selalu ada buat dia. udah tiga minggu juga gw selalu kebayang dia lagi. yang lucu adalah bahkan kita ga saling kenal secara personal. bahkan gw ga sanggup nyapa karena grogi. mungkin perasaan ini bukan buat dia, tapi dia yang ada di bayangan gw. mungkin karena gw ga kenal, maka bayangan-bayangan yang gw buat tentang dia muncul, dan itu yang memupuk perasaan gw ke dia.

gw tau cara untuk mengakhiri perasaan ini. gw cuma perlu nyampein ke dia. tapi gw ga yakin, gw ga yakin apakah gw mau mengakhiri perasaan ini atau ga. karena perasaan ini, gw terpacu untuk jadi lebih baik. karena perasaan ini, gw jadi lebih suka sama diri gw sendiri. karena perasaan ini, gw belajar untuk menghargai hidup gw. emang sih, dengan gw bilang ke dia, ga berarti gw jadi ga sayang dengan hidup gw atau gw akan mengalami kemunduran. tapi gw ga yakin akan bisa maju seperti apa yang gw alamin sekarang.

gw bertanya-tanya apakah perasaan gw pada akhirnya sampe ke dia, apa pendapat dia tentang gw? pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sebenarnya kurang-lebih gw tau apa jawabannya atau bahkan gw takut untuk tau apa jawabannya. lagipula sebenarnya itu bukan hal yang penting. emang kenapa kalo perasaan gw sampe ke dia? belom tentu dia akan merasakan hal yang sama. belom tentu dia akan menganggap itu sebagai hal yang positif. bisa jadi malah dia menganggap itu sebagai beban atau lain semacamnya. iya, gw ngerti itu. tapi sekarang gw bener-bener pengen ngeluarin perasaan gw ini. pengen rasanya bilang berulang-ulang, sekeras-kerasnya, "aku suka kakak." gw suka.

tapi gw cuma bisa nulis, gw cuma bisa ngeluarin semuanya di sini. karena gw ga mau dibenci, karena gw ga mau memberikan impresi negatif. sebetulnya agak aneh sih, ya gw suka, wajar dong, tapi kenapa hanya karena suka sama dia trus malah gw dibenci sama dia? gw takut cara gw dalam menyampaikan perasaan ini yang salah. perasaannya ga salah, tapi caranya yang bisa jadi salah. bilang "aku suka kakak" gw rasa bukan cara yang tepat. mungkin cara yang tepat adalah tetap diam dan nyimpen perasaan ini rapat-rapat, sampai akhirnya ada yang bisa ngebuka perasaan itu lagi untuk perasaan yang baru.

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Another Kind of Love

He’s scary, that was what I thought the first time I met him. His gaze was piercing into mine when I accidentally talked in a loud voice while he was reading his book quietly next to me. He’s cute, that was what I thought months after I started observing him more. With black rimmed glasses, unique hairstyle, fine legs, and admirable face, he is indeed a good-looking person. That was all, nothing more. There are many other men who are as good-looking or even better-looking than him.

Even so, the words were lost from my thought when I saw those. Those words by words written on his blog, making chains of paragraphs which flown beautifully. Mesmerizing my mind, and also my heart.

You’re weird, were words my friends thought of me before. I was talking enthusiastically about the possibilities of  aliens’ and dinosaurs’ existence nowadays based on physic and biology theories. You’re thinking too much, were the words told by my friends in high school. I was asking about why would human live? What kind of reason do I have to stay alive? Was my life worth living? What did I live for?

The alienation I felt in elementary school. The weird looks I got in middle school. I thought I was different, I was weird, but unique at the same time. But those words, the words which beautifully flown in your blog, made me feel that I’m not alone, that I’m not the specially unique person. But that made me happy. I finally found someone, someone who sees the world like me. No, you’re not like me. You’re much better. Through your blog, I see you as someone’s perfect. We never talked before, and probably neither in the future. Yet, I fall in love with you. Such absurdity for we do not even know each other. No, I know nothing about you except for your blog to be precise.

Years after years, I could only look at you from afar. Your smile, your laugh, your voice are things I could only dream of. I thought that wasn’t enough. I want to know you more. I want to be your friend in the least. Yet, I don’t have that courage. To simply say hi, to even smile at you, or just look into your eyes from a distance, I just… I just can’t… The heat on my face sure would betray my cool attitude I showed in front of you.

One day, I swore in front of my friends that I will greet you. I did, yes I did finally greeted you. I finally said your name, and I remember it until now, how you lightly waved your hand and smiled at me. I remember that I could only run into the library with my face was blazing red. I remember how happy I was at the moment, to finally see your smile towards me, it was beyond my dream.

But then it was over. I wanted to end my feelings for you. I was so in love with you, it hurts. I gave up on you. I tried to love other men. Yet, I failed.

Tonight, no, recently, the weight on my heart, the burden on my chest, just keep on piling more and more. Jealousy, envy, disappointment, pride, those feelings are blackening my heart, causing chaos in my mind. Breaking my brain into shattered pieces. I’m falling into darkness. Again. With the breaking soul, I was rummaging my browser page. Somehow, I ended up on your page. Again, for thousand times. I finally saw it again. The words that made me fell in love with you for the first time. The words that made me realize, I’m still in love with you. Just another kind of love. A love which doesn’t need any possession. A love which changed me, changed me into someone better than before. A love which I want to embrace, always. A love which you don’t have to know. An unregretful love. A love which doesn’t hurt. My another kind of love for you. Thank you for making me love you.

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